Manahil Hafeez
3 min readFeb 26, 2021


Taking Flight - The Last Session at Amal Academy !

Every moment in life is an experience. But not every experience can change your life. And that's the thought for today.

Being a part of the Amal Fellowship Program has been such a wholesome and enriching experience that I find it hard to put it into words. The entire experience beginning from day 1 has helped me grow into a better version of myself, to nourish my personality and unveil my hidden talents. Such programs are rare that bring out the spark inside every individual, and this is where Amal has excelled. I particularly enjoyed working in an atmosphere of creativity and brain storming sessions, and I believe this is what has helped me discover a new sense of confidence and contentment in myself . At the end of these 3 months, I look back and I am full of gratitude for this golden opportunity. Alhamdulillah!

This journey has taught me to be a life long learner, to become a leader without authority and a MVTP that inspires and guides others.

To grow together, to succeed as a team is what our Mega Project made us learn practically. We faced all the hardships with utmost strength and positivity.

Amal has given me a set of principles that I always stick to now ,

  • Amal
  • Khudi
  • Kaam Kaam Kaam
  • Ek aur ek gyarah

I have practised them everyday and will keep practising them all my life because I have seen how much of a change they have brought in my life.

In the last session, we all had to share our reflections and learnings, our hardships and our struggles throughout the journey.

As it is said, “Beneath words and logic are emotional connections that largely direct how we use our words and logic.”

The emotional bond can actually revolutionize things so positively that sometimes we cannot even imagine that. Feeling the connection, emits a positive energy all around. We all had things to say, we all had our words and expressing them that day made us so overwhelmed that we could see our thoughts getting synchronized.

Some fellows really became so emotional too and it was so beautiful to listen to how they had built an attachment with this journey.

Sometimes, we just need to put all that work away and self reflect and listen to others. To show them their feelings are imporant for you generates a whole amazing atmosphere.

I have got so much love, acceptance and appreciation from these fellows that I would never want to leave them all. It is no less than a family for me. We all supported each other, celebrated our little achievements, came yawning all those mornings to the classes and then having deep discussions, laughing together and what not. The treasure of these memories is a priceless asset for a lifetime now.

I would always be there in the hour of need for my fellows, our whatsapp group is a way that will keep us all connected forever, In shaa Allah !

Batch 169 will always be a special page in the book of my life.

For my teachers who have carried us this far and all my class mates who made every minute enjoyable, thank you!

I cannot wait to venture on life’s roads, as I am better prepared to face whatever comes in my way now.

To dreams that light my journey, I am ready to hold all the stars in my hands, yes I am.

Proud to be a part of Amal Academy!

